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How Strategy Calms Rural Hospital Chaos

  • 10 Days
  • 12 Steps
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In crisp 10-minute learning Modules. 5 Modules. Add-to what you know. Relearn strategy as the way out of the current chaos and stuck results. Calm daily rural hospital chaos with this proven step-by-step approach to get clarity, make key decisions and rally stakeholders. This 5-Module video series shows you exactly how to: REFRAME new thinking for old problems UNEARTH new growth opportunities READJUST to update legacy systems ACT to tackle change challenges as they come LEARN to find new focus areas. The R.U.R.A.L. Hospital Roadmap is a proven process to bring people together and achieve new results. Each Module brings you: 4-minute video-key concepts 3 new strategy ideas 2 team discussion starters 1 low-risk activity to build better strategy Have a go with it - and let me know what you think. Doug Morse, MBA, MHA The RuralZealot

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app






Strategy and Education to Accelerate Your Hospital and Career

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